Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Happy Forth everyone

Nice relaxing week. I always take advantage of the holiday and take a vacation that week. Been keeping busy on vacation. I repainted the floor in the sunroom. I picked up the butcherblock for the countertops. If the heat isn't deadly tomorrow, I will set up my wood working table and gear in the sunroom, which is right off the kitchen, and get the edges finished on the countertops and get at least two of them installed. I have totally disconnected two of the three countertops. One had a stove top in it. Hope to have them installed by weeks end. I have to treat them before installing them, so I can sand between coats. The sink countertop is going to be the hardest of the bunch. I believe I have decided on the sink. Hope to have it started by the weekend. Almost afraid to call the tree people again and see what the latest date estimate is for getting the trees removed. They are cheaper than the rest, but back logged big time.

Picked up a new big screen for the living room. WOW. What a difference a decade makes. Bought a new TV when I moved down here ten years ago. Can't believe the difference in clarity on the modern ones. New one is a smart tv, so I no longer need the roku box. Old TV is on it's last leg. Move it downstairs by the bar and exercise equipment until it dies altogether. May use exercise gear more with some entertainment near by. Right now, the house makes good on the exercise time. Want to get the laundry room floor and walls painted as well while I am off. Trying to knock out the work list. Counter tops will completely finish the kitchen. I want to get the bathroom sink done as well. That will finish the upstairs altogether.

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