Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pleaseeeee quit talking, grow a pair and do it......
Talk talk talk,  that is all they do. You don't want to rush into something like impeachment, but lets face it, they aren't rushing, they are procrastinating. It needs to be done. The president has trampled the constitution. He has taken it upon himself to ignore some laws (freezing deportations and hindering ICE from doing their job). He has granted exclusions to certain groups of supporters so they don't have to suffer under the obamacare law, thus modifying the law at his whim and without congressional approval, for personal gain. Throw in Benghazi and threatening to attack Syria with or without congressional approval. His constant attack of the second amendment and free speech. His involvement in fast and furious and protection of Eric Holder. His multiple abuse of using congress recesses to appoint people he knows congress doesn't approve of, thus bypassing procedure. He constantly erodes separation of powers. If he was white, he would have been out long ago. The race card should not be a shield to allow him free reign. Congress needs to act now to hopefully reestablish the balance of power. The bully needs to be removed from the bully pulpit, NOW.....

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